Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Day 5 no fixation

Hey everyone,

So since my appointment on Friday I have been able to apply 30% of my weight onto my foot while walking. This feels so unnatural because I can only apply weight to my heel and I often forget I can use my foot. Because there was still signs of the fracture I will have to stay on crutches for another 2-3 weeks, which is a little disappointing however the end is VERY close and I am so so sooo excited!

So far I have experienced a little bit of discomfort, mainly from my ankle though. My ankles are weak to begin with and seeing as it has not been used for such a long time it is feeling weaker than ever. There has been no pain in my foot unless I try sleeping on my stomach with it flat against the bed, I think it stretches it a little too far at the moment.

As the days go on I am getting more and more excited for summer (for the first time in years!) and I cannot wait to go swimming!!

:) Hope you are all well,


  1. I'm excited for you! You are almost done!

  2. Thznk you :D I cannnot wait!

  3. You're almost there! How exciting! I too felt pain in the ankles but not so much now that I'm wearing normal flat shoes. This should get better for you too!

  4. I am and I am soo excited! I bought three pairs of pretty sandals yesterday and I cannot wait to wear them! It was so strange in the shops trying on shoes I had only dreamed of :D, I think it'll take time to get used to it.
    I'm so happy for you! I unfortunately think i have till thursday in this sandal and then 4-5 weeks of runners :(, but it'll all be over eventually :D

  5. thank you for sharing your experience nadia. I had the surgery on my left foot.. im going on my 7 wk after surgery and hopefully another wk the fixator gets remove..

    question? did you had another surgery for the external fixator to get removed? my doctor said is not going to hurt, he is going to put a local anesthesia and removed.. im so scared.. but i want the fixator out :0

    I feel your pain when you say how much you hate the crutches.. I hate them too, I cannot wait til the day I have to stop using them..

    here is my blog

  6. :) My pleasure, I'm so shocked/glad so many people are reading it, I honestly didn't expect it. Oh thats so soon! I hope it is removed next week, I'll be sure to read your blog :D

    No, I didn't, my fixators were removed in the doctors office, and I didn't have any anaesthesia. It was more a sickly feeling (like you could feel it moving but) it wasn't painful, very bearable, but I recommend not laying down and not looking haha. If you do have anaesthesia I'm 100% sure you will be okay :) don't be scared, just have someone there to hold your hand!

    Yeah, as much as they help they are so inconvenient at times haha, always falling over if you try rest them somewhere! But from my experience DO NOT rush to get off them, take time easing off them, I think the second time round I rushed a bit and I am having a bit of pain in my ankles (more than the first time) because your bones have moved/weakened during the time and I think mine are slightly out of place. :) A little longer will help in the long run.

    :D I look forward to reading your blog!
